Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Emerson Family Christmas

I love our family! I know I say that a lot but it's so true! We are so blessed to live close enough to see everybody during the holidays and I love that! All in all, we get to do Christmas 5 times with different parts of our families. So, bear with me as I blog about each Christmas. Each of them were special and I wanted to document each one! FYI..I posted a blog earlier today: Pre-Christmas Activites - I'm trying to blog while I can so I don't get too far behind.
Our First Christmas gathering was at my parent's house. It's the Emerson Family Christmas - all my mom's side of the family: grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc...
I loved my cousin Kaylynn's dress. She is a cutie!

Kiersi and Kayden ready to open their gifts!
All the great-grandkids draw another kid's name and get a gift for that kiddo. The aunts also give to each great-grandkid so they get many wonderful gifts! The adults to a gift card exchange where you can steal the gift card if you want it. Brian and I got an Outback gift card again this year! Can't wait to use it!

Mallory opening her gifts. She is getting good at opening them.

She was very excited about her castle play set!

We drew cousin Karlie's name and she loved all her make-up, nail polish and press-on fingernails we got her.

Papa and Eva

While the opening of gifts was going on, my cousin Chris was shooting everybody with the nerf gun. Good times :)

After all the gifts were open, my grandmother talked to us all and I do love when she does this because I try to listen to all she has to say. I love her dearly and wish I could see her more so I treasure the times I am with her.

I know this pic is blurry but it about describes the whole night. There was a lot going on and with the kids running around, this was the best pic I could get of them.
Kate and I wore the same scarf we both got a couple of years ago from my Mom. And Brian decided to photo bomb the pic. Thank you my love.
Brian received a tripod from his granddad so we decided to put it use this holiday season. Family photo time!

I think it turned out good. Most everybody is looking!

Me and my Mamaw. Love her so much.
We had a great time. I love getting together with these people. I have so many memories of being together with my cousins during Christmas at my grandmother's house. I love seeing us all now as parents raising our kids. It was a wonderful afternoon!

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