Last night, we went to Target to get Mallory's crib! And of course, I couldn't wait another day to see it all put together so Brian went to work on it when we got home.
The Box - Easy to Assemble, so it says
And so Brian begins
I love this photo! This is Brian looking at the instructions. He said he just made that face because he knew i was taking the photo but I'm not so sure!

Proud Dad standing by his daughter's crib he built. I think he was over pictures by now :)
It's ready to go!!
I helped in the process by taking pictures but Brian said that it wasn't a photography session...haha. I did help some but he did it all! I'm so thankful he went ahead and put it together so I could see it. This is the first big piece of furniture to go in the nursery. So fun!
Thank you to my parents too - we are so thankful for the crib! I cannot wait to continue decorating and seeing it all come together!
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