Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2008 Olympics

I am loving the Olympics! I have watched sports that I never thought I would ever be interested in. Saturday morning I enjoyed fencing, cycling and rowing. I have also enjoyed beach volleyball, diving, swimming and gymnastics. If it's on - I'm watching it. Why? Because it is the Olympics!!! These athletes have worked their bottoms off for 4 years (any many athletes, more years than that) to get to this one moment. I am in awe of all of their athletic ability. I've enjoyed watching Michael Phelps win and watching the US win the relay Sunday night was Amazing!

I can't wait to see what else is to come! Laura Wilkinson, one of our speakers from The Revolve Tour - our conference for teen girls, will be diving next week and I can't wait to cheer her on! I hope you are in enjoying the Olympics too! Who's up for teaming with me for Synchronized Swimming in 2012??? :-)


Josh and Shan said...

I would love to join your team, however, I'll be going as part of the gymnastics team!

jodiwilson said...

Color me there! I've ALWAYS wanted to do synchronized swimming...you think I'm kidding, oh, but I'm not:)