Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mallory's 1st Day of Preschool 2014

Yesterday was Mallory's 1st Day of Preschool for 2014. This is her second year in Preschool and she told me she was ready for big school. I told her she has 2 more years until Kindergarten and for her not to rush that on me :)

I went to take her picture before we left yesterday morning and here's what I got:

Lots of different faces but a lot of good smiling ones :)

Here she was on her first day of preschool last year and her first day this year. Sigh.

 Hope everyone's littles that have started school have a wonderful school year!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

wow - she sure has changed! It's so hard to see it on a day to day basis, but she's looking like such a big girl! And now our kids are closer to Kinder than to when they were babies :( I had to thrown that one out there because you're always pointing stuff out like that to me! :)