
Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up: June 28-30, 2013

Happy Monday! This last weekend in June was a fun one for us. We got to have Caleb stay with us Friday night and some of Saturday while Stephanie and Cade were gone for a wedding. We went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and had a good time even though Mallory spilled Caleb's water all over him. And this was the first time at a restaurant that Mallory sat in a booster seat and not a high chair. Maybe not a big deal to you but it's just another way to see her growing up! 

I did take some pictures but they didn't get transferred over. After dinner, we headed to Best Buy where they were running a special - you could trade your iPhone 4 or 4s and get an iPhone 5 if you were due for an upgrade. Once Brian told me about that, he said he wanted to take my iPhone 4 to get an iPhone 5. I wasn't going to say no so I stepped in the iPhone 5 world Friday and I really like it.

I think the special they were running ended last week but stay tuned to see if they run it again!

Saturday morning, Brian took Caleb to his ride for his track meet. We ran errands and then all three took naps after lunch. It was so nice! After picking Caleb up Saturday afternoon, we headed to a fun place...Costco. Ok, maybe not fun but we enjoyed the sampling and that's fun to me!

At home, Brian and Caleb always like to play each other in Madden on the Play Station. Caleb did win both games but we are glad finished the game and didn't quit before it was over :)

Mallory found Caleb's bag with his clothes and decided she needed to wear his shirt. She still had Cade's house from the other day when they stopped by and he let her keep it. Definitely stylin' here.

Mallory did try a smore for the first time too. She wasn't so sure about the marshmallow and chocolate sticking to her hand but she liked it!

Sunday morning, we headed to church. The dress below was a hand me down from our friend, Karlyn. I love it!

Lyndsey and I taught Sunday School for 3 year olds. I love listening to what they all have to say! We taught about how God brings the rain for food and water for us and the animals to eat and drink. After talking about it all, I asked why God gives us rain and they answered "for the flowers." Yes, for the flowers - ha! It's true too!

I made roast, mashed potatoes and cornbread for lunch after church. It was sooo good. I made the roast in the crockpot. It's so nice to come home after lunch with your home smelling good and your meal ready to eat!

After naps, we headed to eat with The Estes'

Uncie is back from Egypt and we couldn't wait to see him! We ate burgers and then enjoyed some yogurt - it was a great evening!

And our weekend is a wrap! Hope you have a wonderful week!

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