
Friday, June 28, 2013

1 Second Everyday

I'm here! Sorry I've been MIA this week but I started my new job this week so with all the learning that's going on in my head right now, it's basically fried! :) I'm hoping the new information I've learned all makes sense soon! All that to say, I've come home, played with Mallory and then crashed but I'm ready for the weekend and all the fun it holds!

My friend, Andrea, blogged about an app - 1 Second Everyday - which puts together a 30 second video using 1 second of a video taken each day of the month. I loved it and wanted to try it for June. There were a couple of days I forgot to take video so a picture goes in the place instead but it's still fun to see it all together. Here you go:

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That's fun! It would be really neat to do that for a newborn and try to have 12 months worth.

  2. That is SO NEAT! Stealing for July!! :)

  3. I love this...totally stealing it too for July!!
