Here's a quick catch-up on what we've been up to!
I wanted to post this picture because it's one of my favorites I've taken. Mallory loves for me to lift her up and "fly" and I think this picture captures Mallory's full personality and beautiful smile!
We had birthday parties to attend. We celebrated Liam turning 5! Liam had a bowling party and it was a lot of fun!
That same weekend, we got to celebrate Abby turning two! Abby goes to the same school Mallory does so she gets to see her a lot. They had a cute photo booth and we had a good time partying with her!
I mentioned the play set before but we decided that it was time to get Mallory a nice play set so her early birthday present came in a couple of weeks ago. This is the last picture of Mallory on her little play set. It was good to us!
Uncie, Caleb and Cade all came over to help Brian build it. The instructions said it would take 7-8 hours and they worked hard to get it done. It's almost complete :)
And, as you can see, Mallory was there to help :)
She is so thrilled about her sandbox! Caleb and I filled it with sand and she wasted no time getting in and getting dirty. She heads outside as soon as we get home from school and is playing there all weekend. I'm so glad she loves it.
I'm enjoying it too! We like to get up and sit in the top part of the playset on these beautiful Spring days.
In other news, I'm always loving a picture of Mallory kissing her Daddy!
Most nights consist of Mallory doing cartwheel after cartwheel
She has been saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school for a long time now but I finally got her sweet little voice saying it on video
Just this week, Mallory's learned about leaves at school so as soon as she got home, she ran outside to get some of her own. One of the many reasons I love our backyard - all the trees!
And I just posted this on Instagram on Wednesday, but we stopped by to see Nana and Papa and Mallory thought she needed to try Papa's glasses on. I think she looks so very cute!!
And that's been our Life Lately! Have a wonderful weekend!
I love the picture of her picking the leaves!! So sweet!!