
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Armor of God

We just completed the bible study "Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer at work and I highly recommend it! I learned so much about the Armor of God that Paul instructs us to put on. It goes hand in hand with the movie "War Room" and I highly recommend that movie as well! The first piece of the armor that we talk about but that is not listed in Ephesians 6:14-17 is Prayer. This now hangs at my desk because I really liked it and wanted to share it with you too!

The piece of armor that I learned most about was the Helmet of Salvation. We need to protect our minds and the attacks against it. Satan seeks to attack us with our thoughts that impact our emotions, decisions, etc...  I know I let worrisome thoughts cloud my mind far too often and am not able to find peace because I'm not praying for protection of my mind. Please know that we can pray for anything, especially for our minds. There are many verses in the bible about how we should be setting our mind on Him like below:

The best thing I learned was what I underlined below:
Sometimes the greatest miracles God does are not in our circumstances, it's in our minds.

I know that I'm not a bible scholar or teacher but I can share things that I have learned while studying the bible. We have The Word of God to study daily and to learn new things everyday! Let's keep praying friends: put on the full armor of God and protect our minds while stepping out in faith!

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