What a wonderful Thanksgiving we had! I look forward to this holiday so much because I know we are going to see both of our families on this day! We have so much to be thankful for and I was especially happy to spend the day with my husband and our little turkey! I love this girl!
She loved that she had a turkey on her outfit. We are still in the Cheeeeeeeeese phase where she thinks she needs to yell cheese as loud as she can for each picture. But I love that cheese face so I'll take it!
And because I'm sentimental and must - here's a look at Thanksgiving's past to this year
I can't believe she's now celebrated three Thanksgivings!
Thanksgiving morning, I woke up early to start cooking. I was trying to be quiet so Brian and Mallory could sleep in but they were up not too long after me. While we were waiting for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade to start, I asked Mallory what she was thankful for:
This is how she watched the parade: Either standing by her car or in a basket. I don't know why. It was fun to see her get really excited about the parade though - it was so fun seeing her enjoying these fun traditions!
After the cooking was done, it was time to get ready to head to Brian's Aunt and Uncle's house.
I love the pic of Brian and Mallory - my two loves! So thankful for them both!
I couldn't wait to get to Kam and Pam's to see everyone and to enjoy all of the good food! I actually branched out and offered to make the mashed potatoes this year. Usually I am just in charge of bringing sausage balls and rolls (because that is what Brian always brought when he was single). I did make some Mac and Cheese for the kids (and Brian) so we had a lot to bring this time. Thankfully my mom had just given us this basket so we loaded it up and brought our part to the meal. And I'm happy to say that everything tasted well!
We have so much to be extra thankful for this year. Brian's Aunt Pam found out she had colon cancer in August but thankfully radiation shrunk the tumor and a couple of weeks ago, she had surgery to remove what was left of the tumor. The cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes, either! The cancer did spread to her thyroid and she will have surgery to have her thyroid removed next year but all in all we are so grateful to the Great Physician for his care! Pam's faith has been so strong and we all love her so much...especially Mallory - she does love her Grammy!
All of the food was so wonderful and just getting to be with all of our family was so special.
We went outside to take some family pics before we left.
Yes, Mallory is leaning forward in the pic because she was cheeeesing so hard
Next stop, my Aunt Janice and Uncle Paul's house. Of course, I was looking forward to seeing my grandmother again. Another reason to be thankful - my Mamaw was in the hospital for weeks this Summer and in ICU for some of it. Thankfully she's recovered and doing better but it does just make me extra grateful that she's here this Thanksgiving.
Mamaw with her great-grandkids that were there. I love these pictures!
The boys and Mallory all watched the Cowboys game while the girls chatted it up. Another group of family played games while watching the Cowboys game. I think we were all trying to stay awake since we were all in a food coma.
And then there is these two: Eva and Mallory. They are crazy about each other. Cuties!
We did miss my brother, Greg, sister-in-law, Melody and nieces, Kiersi and Kayden this year! Greg and Melody were in Costa Rica celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm sure they were missing the cold while they were enjoying the warm temps and beautiful scenery.
Papa and Nana with Eva and Mallory. Those two girls love them both so much!
Looks like a great Thanksgiving! I'm so glad to hear how thankful Mallory is for Minnie Mouse :)