I was looking forward to Halloween for a while because I knew there was no question as to what costume Mallory would wear. It was decided pretty early on that Mallory would be "rella" aka Cinderella. My child loves Everything Cinderella. We went early on once costumes were out to pick out her Cinderella dress. I let her try it on when we got it to make sure it fit and then hid in a closet so she wouldn't see it and want to wear it until Halloween.
We were looking forward to Wednesday night and seeing all of our friends at our church's Fall Festival but unfortunately it was cancelled due to rain. I was so sad because I knew Mallory would love it and I wanted to see all my friend's kiddos but we needed the rain so it's all good. Since our festival was rained out, it meant we could go to my parent's Fall Festival at their church because it was held inside. I picked Mallory up from school and we headed over to Nana and Papas to change clothes to go.
My beautiful princess
Of course, I have to do a collage from Halloween's years past...
Mallory was so happy when she put her dress on and she loved her tiara!
Papa, Nana and Rella
She was tired of taking pictures by the time I got to take a picture with her but it made me smile so big to see her so happy
My parent's church had so many activities and Mallory got lots of candy. Of course, she did steer far from Nana during the night.
Halloween morning, Mallory got to wear here Elmo skeleton shirt to school for their school party.
They got to have a pizza party and got to have cupcakes for dessert. They made trick or treat bags and went to a couple of houses close by for trick-or-treating. I love her teachers and all they plan!
After I picked Mallory up from school on Thursday, we headed by Nana and Papa's again so we could put Mallory in her dress again so she would be ready to trick-or treat.
After stopping by Nana and Papa's, we headed to The Loflands for our yearly Halloween pic with Liam.
How cute is the fire fighter and Rella? I love these two!!
After our photo session with Liam, we headed to Uncle Jim and Aunt Laurie's for trick-or-treating
Grammy got Mallory a Rella necklace and earrings which Mallory Loved!
Mallory and her cousin, Emmaline are ready for candy!!
The Loflands graciously let us borrow their wagon so we could pull Emmaline and Mallory around the big neighborhood. We have a tradition of trick-or-treating around Jim and Laurie's neighborhood and I look forward to it every year!
Mallory loved being pulled in the wagon so much so that she didn't want to get out at first to trick-or-treat but once she saw all the candy she was getting, she decided she needed to get out at each stop. She would go up with Cade or Grammy and did a good job at saying trick-or-treat and she usually said Thank You after she had turned and started running back. We will work on saying it to people next year :)
Such a fun night with our great family!
After all the Halloween's festivities, Mallory pumpkin was pretty full and now we must help her get rid of it all...when she's not looking :)
Looks like a fun night! I'm glad she liked the wagon ride and free candy - kids have it SO tough huh?! Ha!