
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blast from the Past

Thursday night, Mallory and I stayed at my parents house since Brian was out of town and while we were there, we got to go through a lot of my grandmother's things. My Mamaw just moved into an assisted living home and moved out of her little apartment she had. She couldn't take everything with her to her new place so my mom and dad and her sisters and husbands have been going through a lot of my grandmother's things that she couldn't take and seeing what all there is. 

Mallory wanted to help and it was really fun looking through her things. My grandmother loved jewelry and had kept everything thing from her kids' and grandkid's lives. She had my high school and graduation programs as well as the thank you cards from the gifts she gave me for my wedding. It was so fun to look at all the stuff she had from my mom and my aunts. Times have definitely changed but I enjoyed looking through it all.

Mallory loved putting on all of Mamaw's jewelry. She just kept putting on necklace after necklace

She helped us go through it all and of course, picked out what she thought she needed 

This was a hilarious find - I guess there was a world before the iPhone 

I know Mallory will have no clue what this was she gets older since she's growing up in the cell phone only world

This is a newspaper clipping that my grandmother was in. She is in the middle picture on the left

My grandmother also kept everything, including receipts from my Mom's wedding. Her wedding dress cost a $100. Mine cost a little bit more than that :)

I did get to see some cuff links that my Papaw used to wear. I never got to meet him because he passed away before I was born but this was neat to me to see them. My mom said he wore the ones on the left all the time.

My brother, Ryan, will be happy to know that she kept this drawing that Ryan drew of our Mom and it made it to the newspaper. He did a good job of conveying that she was a "football mom"

When we were almost done looking at things, my mom pulled out a hat and purse that my grandmother always wore so I had to put it on Mallory. 

This is probably one of my favorite pics. She loved holding that purse!

It was definitely a fun evening looking through all the things that my grandmother held onto!

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