
Monday, October 21, 2013

Homecoming Court

Friday night, we headed to see Brian's cousin, Kennedy as she was selected to be a Freshman maid on her school's homecoming court. I can't believe she's a freshman in high school because she was just a sweet little 10 year old when I came into the family so it's just so fun to see her grow into a beautiful, young lady.

Uncle Jim & Kennedy - he got to escort her onto the field for the ceremony at halftime. I know that was such a special moment for him as a Dad and you could see it in his smile.

All of the homecoming court

We went to see Kennedy before halftime and Mallory does love Kennedy. She was happy to see her and really liked the sparkles on her dress. 

Kennedy's cheering section. Of course, Mallory was sad that she's not with me on the football field.

I love the picture of them looking at each other.

Kennedy being introduced.

I did take a picture of the homecoming queen. I think her name was Lucy but her dress was gorgeous.

Laurie, Kennedy and Jim

I'm so glad we were able to go and cheer on Kennedy on her moment. I know she will have so many more fun moments during her time in high school and I can't wait to celebrate more accomplishments with her!

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