
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Family Birthday Fun

Last Saturday night, after Brian was discharged from the hospital, he headed over to Rob and Stephanie's and Mallory and I headed to my brother's house to celebrate both of my brother's October birthdays. Brian told me to go ahead and go since we had been planning to go and I knew he was in good hands at Rob and Stephanie's while we were gone.

On the way, Mallory just started singing - not sure what song and I could help but take a picture.

Singing loud and proud.

We got to celebrate these two:

One of them turned 35 and the other 27 and I'm somewhere in age between them

We love that we all get to enjoy Melody's treats. They are delicious!

Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday boys

It's so fun to get together with the family because Mallory loves seeing her cousins and they all play together.

Mallory was so happy when Eva walked in!

Kate got a geography lesson from Kayden and Mallory though she needed to be Kayden's teaching assitant

Fun family moments

I'm so sad this picture turned out blurry but we had a lot of fun hanging out in the play room

Right before we were leaving to go home, the girls decided it was time to wrestle with Uncle Greg

Of course, Mallory was in the middle of it all! I wish we could get together more because I love being with everyone! I was a wonderful evening!

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