
Friday, September 13, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday friends! We made it! Here's my Five on Friday :)

{ ONE }

Now that Mallory brings home at least one piece of artwork from school each day, I need to find a way to display it. I've been browsing Pinterest to get some ideas. I want to put it in her playroom and I like the close pin idea like below so it's easy to change it out. I'm open to any other ideas though!

{ TWO }

This past week, Mallory has been by my side every morning as I put on my make-up and fix my hair. I usually get myself ready and then get her ready so she doesn't have as much time to mess up her hair before school :) She usually goes and gets her chair, pulls it up beside me and mimics my every move - especially when I'm putting my make-up on. I love our morning bonding time now.


I saw these pictures below from my college friend, Ashley the other day and I loved it. On her and her husband's 10 year anniversary, they went back to the place where they had their wedding pictures taken and took pictures with their daughter. I would love for Brian and I to be able to do that with Mallory on our 5 year anniversary in April.

{ FOUR }

The other night, Mallory and I were relaxing and I just laid my head on her shoulder and she loved it. She kept laughing that I kept wanting to lay on her since she usually lays on me. I love these moments!

{ FIVE }

I saw this video and immediately thought that this is exactly how Brian will react when Mallory says she's broken up with her boyfriend.

When I showed it to Brian, he said "This won't happen because she's not allowed to date." Ha!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I cant get over how cute your little girl is! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Hey Amanda - Just wanted to invite you to our link party next week! It will be about how you think little Mal is in the future and one post you'll be sure to look back at someday! :)
