
Thursday, August 8, 2013


Monday for lunch, I met with my former co-worker/boss, Breanna. Breanna and I worked together at Women of Faith for years and I loved working with and for her. It was so great to catch up with her and see what is going in her life now. We both don't work at Women of Faith anymore but it's always fun to talk and reminisce about the old days. Even though it's only been a year and a half since I left WoF, it feels like a lot longer than that. But it got me thinking about different seasons in my and all of our lives.

I loved working at Women of Faith and I catch myself missing the fun days with my other Event Planner friends, Betty-Ashley, Amy and  Jon. The four of us were a team and I truly loved working with them.

I tell myself and everyone that I would still be working for WoF if the office was closer to where I live and if I didn't have to travel but then I wonder, is that true? Working at Women of Faith was a wonderful season in my life. I went from being the assistant for the Product Department to a Volunteer Coordinator to being an Event Planner. While I was there, Brian and I started dating, we got engaged, married and welcomed Mallory into our lives - all with all of my WoF family. And just as cliche as it sounds...A Baby changes everything. I loved traveling and Brian and I were both blessed with jobs where we both got to travel and even used our travel miles to go to the Bahamas for a vacation. But the first time I had to leave Mallory to go to an event was a very hard day. Five events later, I told Brian (what he already knew) that I couldn't travel anymore and be away from Mallory. So I said goodbye to by Women of Faith family and stepped into a new season of life.

I got to be home full-time with Mallory for 7 1/2 months and I loved it. It was during this time she hit some major milestones: crawling, walking and celebrating her 1st birthday. As much as I loved the time, I knew I would have to go back to work and I looked forward to having a job in the same area and not being gone on weekends. I know for some people that might sound weird but since WoF events were on the weekends, I missed a lot family get-togethers and other things so I was just happy to be home again.

This next job only last a little bit but I was just going to sub at a school but they offered me a position as an aide. So having the school holidays and being done at 4pm on days, I entered in a new position. I'm glad I did because I wondered if I would be interested in going back and getting my teacher's degree. I can tell you now...that is not going to happen :) Big round of applause for all of you teachers. I realized the school system wasn't for what was??? I was so used to being in my WoF world that I had no idea what else I would do...

And now I am in this season of my life of working a full-time job at the same company as my husband and so far, I love it! Who knew?? I honestly never imagined I would be working with him but here's what's funny. I interviewed at Brian's company 7 years ago and was offered a job from them and Women of Faith on the same day. You know what I chose. It's funny to me because that was before Brian and I were even dating and I wonder if I took the job, if we would be married now :) 7 years later, I was back interviewing for another job there and here we are: In a New Season.

I feel like I had the college season, the single season, the married season and now the parenting season. Your decisions definitely differ in each season and especially now in the parenting season. I feel like there's also job seasons that go along with personal seasons in our lives. Each season is different but brings so much to our lives.

All that to say: even when you don't think a time during your season doesn't matter, it's not true. Tuesday afternoon, on my way home from work, I got a call from a former co-worker from the school I worked at. She was so sweet in saying some very nice things speaking to my faith and that she saw it everyday. Honestly, I just thought my year at the school was one year, done and in the past. I made some good friends but that was it and I moved on. To hear those words from my co-worker meant so much to me. And know that when you think nobody is looking, still live your Faith and serve the Lord. People Do See You!

So whatever season you are in, enjoy it, embrace it and keep on living for the Lord! He is Faithful!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post Amanda! Very true words and it's neat to read how you have journeyed through your different "Seasons."

    I'm glad you're here now and that I get to see you every day :)
