It's Monday again but I'm thankful for a great weekend with my wonderful family! Friday night, we didn't have plans but Cade had left his hat at our house so we decided to take it to him. We had a great time just hanging out with Rob and Stephanie after Caleb had gone to a friend's house to stay the night. Mallory wanted to climb on the furniture and then had to put Uncie's shirt on.
Saturday morning, I cleaned and cleaned. I hate cleaning bathrooms but it had to be done so I attacked them and got them clean. I was able to get most of the cleaning around the house done before lunch so I could enjoy the rest of the Saturday. After lunch, Mallory rested and watched a movie.
I love her hand behind her head and the other hand on the binki. The past couple of weeks she's wanted her binki with her at all times so this is a new thing. This past week she always needed her binki, her pink blanket, her drink and a baby with her whether that was Minnie, Elmo or any other baby she has.
Mallory decided she didn't want to nap at all on Saturday :/ but Brian needed help separating his change he's been saving so she was happy to help out!
Saturday evening, we went to dinner at Raising Cane's. I really do love that place! Mallory, of course, fell asleep on the way over so I was wondering how she was going to be at dinner. Thankfully, she was fine but lately, she has no interest in taking pictures so this is the best pic I got of the two us:
Sunday morning, we headed to church in the rain (so thankful because we definitely need it!) And case in point on the pictures, this is the best I got before church.
Sunday afternoon, we headed to Brian's cousin's daughter, Emmaline's, 1st birthday party
Notice the shoes and the smirk on Mallory's face. Lately, she only wants to wear tennis shoes so instead of being late to the birthday party, I picked my battle and decided to just go. I think she's smirking because she got her shoes.
We had a great time celebrating Emmaline and being with all our family! The party was at Grammy's house so Mallory was just thrilled to be with her!
And here we are, another week has started! We are blessed to enjoy each minute of the weekend we had and I look forward to what this week holds! Have a good one!
Love her fashion sense mama! :) I thought they weren't supposed to start dressing themselves until at least 3?!?