
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up: June 7-9, 2013

Happy Tuesday! I know this Weekend Wrap-up is a day late but we got home yesterday from a nice visit to my hometown so I'm just now able to sit down and catch up on the blog. Friday night, we headed over to our good friend's, The Lofland's house for Supper Club.

It was a beautiful evening. We grilled out and watched the kids play in the backyard. Photo courtesy of Lyndsey's Instagram.

So grateful for these friends. You can see the two children who found the Cheetos - ha! 

Saturday afternoon we headed to celebrate Kinsley's 1st birthday!

Jill did a great job on all of the decorations and I'd been looking forward to this special day not only for Kinsley but for Jill too.

There was a bounce house and all kinds of fun things for the kiddos. Kinsley loved opening all of her presents and really loved her new car she got!

Then, it was time for cake and it's easy to see that she LOVED it! The last picture of her diving in mouth wide open is the best!

What a great party! We loved celebrating Kinsley and getting to be with our great friends! Happy 1st Birthday Kinsley!

After the party, Mallory and I headed to our good friend Joyce's house where we stayed the rest of weekend until Monday. Sunday morning, we headed to my home church and I was excited to take Mallory there for the first time.

The best pic I could get before church :) This girl cracks me up!

I'll blog more about our trip but it was such a good trip and a wonderful week! Have a great week friends!

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