
Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up: April 5-7, 2013

Linking up with Carissa - Miscellany Monday

Happy Monday! I was looking forward to this past weekend because I knew that we had two birthday parties celebrating three of Mallory's friends ( and my friends are their mommas ).  Since we knew that our weekend was going to be busy, we had a low-key Friday night. We went to run a couple of errands Friday night and Mallory was out on the way home. I guess she had a full day and was exhausted. I love sleeping pics.

Saturday morning, we got up, got ready and headed to celebrate Max & Liam turning two!

Lyndsey and Tracey outdid themselves! The party was fantastic and so fun for all the kids and parents. I can't believe they are two...guess that means Mallory is next so I better get ready for it!

After partying hard, Mallory took a good nap and then played and played. I try to keep her room picked up but honestly, this is what it usually looks like

Our reality (love this blog post by Kati about reality) but I love that she loves to play with all of toys and read her books.

Saturday afternoon, our nephew Cade came over and helped Brian with some work outside.

Of course, Mallory was thrilled to see him. Thanks for all your help Cade! 

Saturday night, Brian and I rented the movie "Here Comes the Boom." I heard about it from Callie's blog

It was really good and great, uplifting movie. It was really funny too so I highly recommend it!

Sunday morning, we headed to church

I put this 24 month dress on Mallory. I bought it a couple of weeks ago because that was the size Mallory was wearing. Well, I think someone had a growth spurt in the past couple of weeks because the dress is not as long as her 24m dresses were fitting. And this was a brand dress that I never had to buy a bigger size to fit sooo, I guess we are officially moving into all 2T clothes. Bye Bye Baby :(

After church, I laid Mallory down for a nap so she would be ready to celebrate Zoey!

We had a great time at Zoey's 1st birthday! She loved her cake and it was such a fun time!

After Zoey's party, we headed back up to church where we were invited to see a movie that Watermark Church had made called "Seasons of Gray." Like it says in the movie poster below, it's the life of Joseph told in modern day. Joseph's story is one of my favorite's in the bible because of his show of forgiveness and love after all he had been through so I was really excited to see the movie and it did not disappoint. 

You can see the movie trailer here.

It was really good and very well made. Seeing Joseph's story told in this world really brought it into a whole new light. Watermark is thinking of releasing it into wide release and I really hope they do. I don't go to the movies much anymore but I will be there opening weekend to support this movie if they do release it.

Seeing the movie was a great way to end the weekend and start this new week! I hope yours is great!


  1. Hello, sister in-law. Fun weekend!
    1. Our playroom also looks like that. Toys and books everywhere. Signs of real life.
    2. Thanks for the movie recommendation. I think we will rent Here Comes the Boom soon. I like that actor.
    3. If you have any outgrown 18-24 month clothes.....I too have a growing girl :)

  2. She looks so big all of a sudden in that yellow dress!

  3. Mallory has gotten so tall!!!
    Thanks for coming to Zo's party!!!!
