
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Fun

I was really looking forward to celebrating Easter this year with Mallory because I knew she would be able to enjoy more of the celebration. She did a lot of Easter egg dying and Easter egg hunting this year and she loved it all!

She got to dye eggs while she was staying with Grammy for the day, Wednesday  Stephanie, Josiah, Kennedy and Jensen were there too for the fun.

Her first time dying eggs was so fun! 

Thursday morning, I was so excited for her because she was going to be able to participate in her first Easter egg hunt at daycare.

She was really excited about taking her basket in that day. She had the biggest grin on her face going in. Everybody said she did a good job and picking up the eggs and putting them in her basket. She came home with a lot of candy!

Thursday night, we dyed eggs at home. I was just really hoping we didn't make a big mess and we didn't!

She loved seeing the eggs go in to the cups and then wanted them out right away :)

She was a very good helper!

I got her the Mickey Mouse egg dying set so she could put Mickey Mouse stickers on the eggs. And only two dropped on the floor after this :) It was fun!

Saturday morning, Mallory went with Nana and Papa to their church's Easter egg hunt. Fortunately it had rained because we needed the rain but unfortunately, the egg hunt was moved inside but that's ok! 

I love how she likes to go through her eggs to see all she got!

Saturday afternoon, we met up at my aunt's house for more Easter fun!

We ate hamburgers and hot dogs and then got ready for another hunt!

Mallory and her cousins hunting

I love the picture of my grandmother standing by her great-grand kids. Such a great memory! I'm not sure what my cousin Chris is doing in the bottom picture though :)

And the next day was Easter Sunday! I loved celebrating this holiday with Mallory and I'm so grateful for all of our family who love to celebrate it with her too! This year, if she opened an egg with money in it, she just put it to the side and went for the ones with candy...I know that will change in the future :)

1 comment:

  1. Next year we need to dye eggs together because I was too nervous to do it with Liam by myself!
    And I love Mal's sweet pink dress - it looks cute and comfy!
