
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Outside Fun

Saturday was such a beautiful day and I was so glad to get to enjoy it outside with my little girl. I know I've said it once and I'll say it again, I love our backyard and Mallory does too. When Mallory woke up from her nap, I told her she could go eat her snacks outside and she was thrilled.

Of course, she couldn't sit there too long when her playhouse was calling for her to come play so she got up and headed straight for it

I love this picture of the sun shining on us. I know that I take lots of pictures but I'm trying to be better and taking videos too. The iPhone takes decent videos and we have a Flip camera I know I need to use more. Mallory loves going down the slide so I had to record her doing that and then I recorded her going all over the playhouse and getting ready to slide herself. So independent. (Please excuse my crazy mom voice behind the video)


I love that she tries to climb back up the slide

After playing on her playground, she just wanted to run around. Mallory loves seeing her shadow so we had to point and look at it as she moved. So fun!

And in true Mallory (and clumsy Momma) fashion, we were getting ready to go in and as she was stepping up on the back porch, she tripped and her face met the concrete.

She's still got a smile! I'm loving these times with my little girl and am looking forward to some beautiful Spring days to enjoy more time outside!


  1. I love the videos! I love that she sits back on the slide like, "Okay, I'm ready to slide again, why am am I not moving??!" We will have to come play soon!

  2. Eva and I watched each video 5 times. She loved seeing Mallory! We should come over one Saturday and play outside with ya'll!
