
Thursday, January 10, 2013

2012 Photo Book

This past year, I've tried really hard to keep up with organizing my photos, printing them out and putting photo books together online. Having the iPhone is a great thing because I can take a picture at anytime but that also means I have hundreds of pictures to choose from and organize. Anybody feel me??

My sister-in-law, Kate, put together yearbooks and I loved that idea so I began working on a 2009 one: when Brian and I got married. I started and couldn't stop and I was able to do 2009, 2010 and 2011 photo books on Shutterfly and ordered them as my birthday present. 

Since then, I've put together Mallory's baby book and last night, I finished our 2012 photo book. It was so fun to look back as I was adding the Christmas photos to see how much Mallory's grown this past year. I hope she enjoys these books when she gets older as much as I will.

If you like, you can click on the 2012 book picture above and see it. I can't wait to get the orange Shutterfly box in the mail soon! Now, to begin on the 2013 book :)


  1. Looks so great! I love that Shutterfly has so many good formats now for pages with lots of photos (instead of just 2 per page). I need to get started on my 2012 one! They sent me a coupon that ends Wednesday so maybe I'll get started on it this'll come up and watch Eva so I can devote my full attention to my laptop, right? Thanks.

  2. I need you to come finish my 2011 book! An maybe you could make Liam a baby book while you're at it ;)

  3. Choosing photos to print gives me headaches too! I am pleased to know that you have been consistent in making photobooks of your family since 2009. As for me, I am yet to finish our 2012 compilation. It's the mom's duty, so I better start working. Shelley Dade
