
Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Weekend in iPhone pics - February 10 - 12, 2012

Happy Monday! To be honest, I was hoping this post would include pictures of us in the snow but alas, if some made it here, it wasn't very much so, nothing pic worthy. We did have a good weekend though!

Friday night, we went to eat at Cotton Patch Cafe with my parents. I love living close to them so we can just call each other up and do something. We had a good time.

Mallory and I waiting for Dad to get home from work so we could go meet my parents. Yes, that is a scratch right between her eyes. Someone needs to cut her nails! Wait, that's me - I file them usually because I'm horrible at cutting and usually end up hurting her more than helping her :/

Saturday morning, I did a little shopping. I wanted to get Mallory a shirt to wear on Valentine's Day and when I got the The Children's Place, I saw this:

I got really excited that I get to buy Mallory an Easter dress!

We played some when I got home and I just laugh when I see this pic:

Mallory has no interest in crawling. She either rolls over or just lays down when I put her on her stomach. Why move on your own when people will just carry you where you need to go???

Saturday afternoon, we headed to see cousin Cade play basketball

Brian and Caleb - these two love each other so much!

Mallory was extra whiney on Saturday so I was happy to pass her off to family. She perked up of course when we got there

And then she crashed on Pop:

Saturday night, Brian went to watch Caleb play basketball so it was just us girls as the house.

I took this picture because it was the first time I took her out of her little bathtub and let her just sit in our bathtub.

She loved it! She scooted around all over the place and loved splashing with her feet. All the while not letting go of her rubber ducky, of course.

After she went to bed, I went to clean up the floor

For a little girl, she does make a mess

And then Sunday, we went to church and went to eat at El Chico with our Sunday School class after church.

You get 10% off of your bill if you bring your church bulletin on Sunday. I say, that's a good deal. And Jill even drew a flower on her church notes! I love our Sunday School class and the people we get to serve with!!

Well that's that! Another weekend in the books. Hope you have a wonderful week!

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