Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mallory is 18 Months Old!

Mallory Anne, you are 18 Months Old!!
We went to your well check-up today and you weigh 27.2 lbs and are 31 3/4" tall. You are wearing some 18 month clothes but mostly 24 month. You wear a size 4 diaper and are wearing a size 5 shoe. You are very aware that the Dr.'s office is where you've gone to get your shots and you did not want the Dr. to touch you at all but other than that, the Dr. said you were growing well which is what we are so thankful for!
You are Always on the Go! From the moment you wake up until the time you lay your head down for the night, you just go, go, go. I'm tired sometimes just keeping up with you and you definitely keep us on our toes! You love to run everywhere and especially when you are let loose to walk, you get the biggest smile and usually take off running.
You love to try to put your socks and shoes on yourself. You really like to color, or just run around with the crayons in your hand. Thankfully, I've seen no color on our walls. You love to play with the blocks at Papa and Nana's so I know you'll love the big bag of blocks you are getting for Christmas. You always want to sit in my lap and look at the Elmo Photo Book and Blue Bird, Blue Bird book. You think that Daddy's iPad is yours and love to look at all the photos on it.

You love to talk. Loudly. You say "Daddy" all the time and still only "Mama" when you need something. You say "Papa, Nana, Bye-Bye, Uh-Oh, Yeah, Thank You, Ball, Hot, Donald, Daisy, Nicky (Mickey)" I think you get where the last three are from :) She will grab the remote and say "Nicky." Her Daddy has trained her so well! She talks the most in the bath tub and will usually try to repeat whatever we tell her say.
You sleep very well! Thank You! You go to bed around 8:15 pm and I wake up you up around 7:00 am to get you ready to leave for the day. During the weekdays, when you are woken up before you would wake up on your own, you usually take two naps. On the weekends, when you can wake up on your own, you usually take one good nap after lunch. And then there was this past Saturday, when you decided not to nap at all. Let's not do that again, please :)

You love to eat and are becoming very picky! For breakfast you have a mixture of a couple of these things: Eggs, Toast, Blueberry Muffin, Cheerios, Rice Chex, Yogurt, Fruit Bar, Blueberry Waffle and on Sunday mornings, you get some of a cinnamon roll. For lunch and dinner and snack time your favorite things are: green beans, dried apple slices, chicken nuggets, turkey, string cheese, grilled cheese, raisins, fruit squeeze, graham crackers, goldfish, and of course, macaroni & cheese.
You have 16 teeth. Your canines (cuspids) on the bottom just came in over Thanksgiving and that was not a fun time at all. I know you were in pain but thankfully they are popping through and you feel much better. We usually can get a good view of all your teeth when we are tickling you and are laughing so hard. You do like brushing your teeth and you always laugh when you watch us brush our teeth in the morning.
You still love all things Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Thankfully, you've expanded your movie viewing favoritism from Toy Story to other movies. You like Cars, Cars 2 (these two because your Daddy likes to watch them too), Up! and Tangled. I cannot wait until you are older and we can take you to Disney World so you can see all of your favorite people!

Mallory, your Daddy and I love you so very much! You light up our life everyday and we thank God everyday for blessing us with you! Happy 18 Months sweet girl!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Decorating

The Friday after Thanksgiving, Brian and I decided we would decorate for Christmas. He was just as excited as I was about getting the boxes out and decorating! So Friday afternoon, we began.

Brian is in charge of putting the tree up. We don't have a very big or full tree but it's the first one we bought together so we enjoy it.  I was very interested to see what Mallory would think of all the Christmas decorations. Last year, she was 6 months old and we were able to put everything up while she sat there and looked at us. This year, I was pretty sure she wanted to be our little "helper" and I was right but I was really excited to have her help us.
Brian plugged in the lights and he was just as excited as Mallory!

Soooo pretty! I put Mallory in her Christmas pajamas and turned the Christmas music on. We were definitely in the Christmas spirit!
While Brian and Mallory were working on the tree, I was working on the mantle. I was so happy to be decoarting my mantle this year. I've always dreamed of our family stockings hanging from the mantle and this year, I had a mantle to hang them from! I headed to Hobby Lobby to get some stocking hangers and here we go:

I know it's not Martha Stewart but it makes me smile seeing our stockings hanging there.

No Mallory, nothing is in there yet

I got the Nativity scene to set out and of course Mallory wanted to help. Thankfully, she was more interested in the styrofoam instead of the breakable objects. Once I got it set up, she did want to take the shepard boy and baby Jesus and play with them. She was told No real fast. I guess I will have to get her the little people nativity set so my breakable one will stay safe!
As we were decorating, I couldn't help but think how fast a year goes by. This was our little girl at 6 months old last year.

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2012
In 2011, she just sat there and watched me work. 2012, she helped and as you can see below, was a little excited in trying to get the ornaments. I turned my head for two seconds and saw this:
Let's just say, all the sentimental ornaments are on the part of the tree she cannot reach :)
The finished product.

I just need to touch it one more time

Rockin around the Christmas Tree!

I love this pic because it sums up the excitement in my little girl's eyes...and in her voice :)

I truly love this time of year and look forward to sharing it with my family. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Monday, November 26, 2012

2012 Thanksgiving: Part 2

Thursday afternoon, we headed over to my Aunt's house. When we got there, Brian headed to where the boys were - watching the Cowboys game.
The girls needed to see what was going on
Then it was time to play with their Nana - they all love being with her!
We of course had to go outside to take some pictures of the cousins
Love these two girls so much!

We tried one of them all standing and this was the best we got before they ran away!

But this one of them all sitting turned out so good!

I think this picture of Kiersi & Mallory talking is so cute! And so is the girl sitting next to them!

Aunt Melody and Mallory

Eva just loves her Uncle Brian

My Aunt Janice had a little car there for the kids to ride - I caught Mallory trying to ride it by standing on it :)

Let's go for a ride!

Kiersi with her great-grandmother. So sweet!
After while, we pulled out all the food from lunch to eat for leftovers. I was so full from lunch I couldn't eat anything then but I wish I could have.
It was a great day with our family! We are so blessed and I hope I continue to remember that everyday and not just on this holiday! Thanksgiving 2012, you were so good!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

2012 Thanksgiving: Part 1

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a great day! I'm so thankful that we live close to both our families so we can see both in one day. We go to Brian's Aunt Pam and Kam's for lunch and stay until the end of the Lions football game, then we head over to my Aunt's house to watch the Cowboys and after the game is over, it's usually time for dinner (leftovers from their lunch). We are so glad we get to spend a good amount of time with both sides. We begin at the Miller household:

I loved Mallory's dress she wore on Thanksgiving. Aunt Pam got Emmaline and Mallory the same dress to wear - they looked so cute!

The Estes boys - love these guys!
Kam and Brian eating a little bite before lunch began. My job is to make sausage balls and they are usually all gone before lunch is even served. This year was no different. That's what I contribute for the day. :)
Everybody is getting ready

Mallory was the lucky one that got to eat early. Of course she ate her mac and cheese but she did eat some sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes. She wanted to feed herself but most of it ended up on her face!


Everyone enjoying the food!

And then it was time for dessert - the tower of pies!!
After eating, we all went outside to take some family photos
Everybody except the babies Emmaline & Josiah - they were napping
Gotta love the fun picture!

All the girls

Our favorite Estes family!

This is one of my favorites they took
And when it was our turn for a family pic, Mallory was happy to oblige
Definitely a keeper :)

All the cousins
Kam always takes a nap during the holiday - smart man!

To wrap it up, Mallory played us a tune on the piano
The food was so good but being with family was the best!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from The Estes Family!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Eve

This morning, we headed over to Brian's Aunt Pam's house to cook for tomorrow. It is a tradition for his family to meet over at Pam's and get everything ready. Yall know how good of a cook I am (ha!) so I went over to lend support. And do the easy stuff.
Love her new brown boots. Our pretty girl is 18 months today!

Pam with all the littles, Emmaline, Josiah and Mallory.

Time to cook - Stephanie and Kennedy had the big job of crumbling the cornbread for the dressing. I love Brian's grandmother's dressing. I'm ready for some. Now :)

Sweet potatoes getting ready for the casserole

Pecan Pie ready to go!

And last, but not least, The Chocolate Pie. Is it Thanksgiving yet????